Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Chronicles of Kibblestan: Canines

Oh my, oh my.  It has been a busy fall! At long last the second book in my Kibblestan series is available in paperback. Yay!  If you have read my first book, Revolution, you will surely enjoy this second installment in the series featuring characters that are familiar and some that are new, and some canines that are ... well ... Let's just say they would definitely flunk obedience school. I have dedicated this story to the members of the United States military and their families, for I think any military family will appreciate the themes in this book. For more information or to order, click here.

E-book will follow, and my grand plan will be to get these books made into audiobooks as well, but I'm not yet sure when that will happen.

November 1st is National Novel Writing Month and I have signed up to meet the challenge of writing 50K words in one month. Considering this month also has Thanksgiving in it, it will not be easy, but my goal is to have book # 3 out at this time next year, so what better way to incentivize myself to get through this first draft but by signing up for Nanowrimo!  Other than that, life is busy but good. I tend to update my Facebook page more often than this blog, so you should follow me on Facebook if you'd like hear more from me!

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